kind of sad to hear Enriquez’s new collection was a miss :( did you read Our Share of Night by any chance? if not I’d highly recommend! as well I am right in the middle of Jonathan Strange & Mr Norell and I must say I’m finding the pace a bit too slow but if it’s on your top books of the 21st century then I’ll have to give it more of a chance!

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If you've read all her other stuff, it's still worth a look, I just wouldn't want it to be the first book of hers that someone picks up. I couldn't get into Our Share of Night but it may have been a case of bad timing, I wouldn't rule out giving it another try. As for JS&MN, it's a masterpiece but definitely a big commitment to read!

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understandable, Our Share of Night was a bit slow at first but in my opinion certainly worth finishing, it does pick up!

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